Hello ladies!
Sorry I have been M.I.A., too many sleepless nights over here... For too many weeks =/ And I thought having a newborn was the hardest, such a fool :p My boy is 19 months old and still doesn't like to sleep much, he prefers to play and watch the world, doesn't want to miss a thing!!!
3 parcels to check on our exchange:
. Waiting to hear from Judith, about her parcel to Lentochka and Heather's parcel too
. No news from Lentochka either... Maybe Judith's parcel was delivered, no idea!
. And Noni is waiting to receive too, I know if it was already delivered, Noni would have written an e-mail to me ;)
How about everyone else? Was everyone happy with our exchange? Many smiles? :D
Feel free to write anything you would like to say about our exchange :) we can always learn how to do better.
I know I want to be more active, it hasn't been the same since I have my baby... And I still think all partners should interact more! When you receive your partner's address, you also receive her e-mail, talk to each other! Get to know your partner and friendships will grow, you'll see ;)
Hugs&smiles to all,
Lucky little one! I wish I could stay awake ... 10 cups of coffee a day do not even help.
Hope the packages find their destinations!
Dear Nia! I have not received the parcel.
Hello again! Yep... you are right... no sign of the package from Lentochka yet... hopefully it will get here soon :o)
Hugs to everyone! xx
Too bad to hear not all the packages have arrived yet.
I sure hope they will very soon, keep my fingers crossed for you all!
Hi everyone,
Nia, thanks for the update.
My mother says that, you never sleps same after have a baby, enjoy it :)
Please ask for help for the exchance, i can help you if you want :)
I can´t wait for see everything.
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