Hello ladies :)
I was giving some time for more stitchers to join our conversation here but looks like everyone has been pretty busy and still working on last year's SALs. So, I won't overwhelm you more, let's wait a bit to star new project as a group. Of course, everyone should continue to stitch everything you'd like, we all will love to watch it here :)
Let's move on to the group exchange, what about...
'Send a Smile Exchange'

... sounds fun? :)Free theme, just a package with fun goodies that any stitcher would like to receive ;) At least five itens and one handmade - off course, that's always the star on our exchanges :)
As always, this is a group exchange, only for members. If you want to join, sign in here, leave a comment on this post.
Theme: Free
Sign up: until April 20th
Post: until June 1st
Oh this sounds perfect for me....send a smile...oh it's a lovely idea...heaven knows I could do with a smile, or two!
Unfortunately being bed bound and unable to walk I cannot get to the post office....i know...what about a friend or family member!! No friends where I live...and the only other driver is my dad who is ill himself. So no, no one available to go to the post office.. I am so sad about this as I would of loved to join in.
No matter, I will get joy from seeing others exchanges. And hope when I am better there will be other things I can join in on.
Smiles :)
Lovely idea! I'm in :)
Hugs xx
Oh yes please I would love to join in :) I have been more of a watcher than a stitcher/blogger the past few months! is that OK? Thank you
Heather xxxxx
Yes, i am in for the exchange, love it!!
Oh what a nice idea.
I am so looking forward to my partner.
Well, of course I am in.
Have a nice day all over the world, dear friends.
I suscribe too!!
I am interested and this probably would be first exchange I am entering into. The only concern I have is about the time given. I will be travelling for few days in the months of April and May, so in order to make something handmade, June seems to be a little tight for me. Can we extend a little bit? Mid July or July end?
And I suppose that handmade should be something related to MSherry stitching, right?
lovely cute blog! thanks for sharing
Hi girls!
I´m in.
I am awaiting Nia's reply to my request.
Sorry for the delay!! New post is up ;)
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