Hello ladies!!
Sorry for the lack of updates during this month.. August has been a time for vacation :) I just finished replying all emails, sorry for the delay!! =)
New authors
We have a couple new members on the group, I will leave them the chance to post here and introduce themselves ;) A few stitchers also asked to join our exchanges but I had to say 'No' when it's someone who has no blog =/ We need to know something about the people who join, the least we can do is accept stitchers who have their own blog and often post. It's the minimum guarantee we can ask =/ It's sad to say 'No' to a stitcher but we had trouble before.. I hope everyone understands.
Blogversary Exchange
We are at the same point we were one month ago...
Lentochka, Cucki and Simone are still waiting to receive their parcels =/
I know mail from Lentochka takes a while to arrive (we saw it on the previous exchange) so next time we need to be more careful here. Maybe Lentochka could post earlier than the others, trying to make up for the delay on the mail service delivery from Russia.
Simone also has some trouble getting mail in Brazil, so that doesn't surprise me much either.. it's sad but let's give it a little more time, patience.
What about the parcel from Heather to Lentochka?! More trouble on mail to Russia..? we can only wait..
In all cases it's possible that this delay is all on the mail service =( Hope to have some news in the next couple of weeks!!
Halloween Exchange
Next exchange is coming soon!! Halloween theme!
We have only 7 stitchers so far, anyone else would like to join?
More details here on this page!
I have a suggestion for this exchange, about the design to stitch. Since there aren't many Margaret Sherry's designs for halloween, would you like to leave it a free stitching? You could make any design for any handmade piece you'd like, the halloween theme would be on the extra gifts in the parcel. What do you think? Does everyone agree?
Hi Nia! Hope all is well. Can't believe summer is almost over ... I have been so swamped with design deadlines and such! I think it would be fun to do a free stitch for Halloween as I agree...there aren't many MS designs available and would be hard to find I am sure. Looking forward to it! I am also adding teaching crochet classes to my busy schedule... oh.. I need more hours in a day! Hope you are feeling well! Hugs to all :)
Hi Nia, what a shame mail is so slow between some countries - fingers crossed the little wings of the parcels keep flapping and they arrive at their destinations really soon :o)
Free designs sounds like a great idea.
Hugs xx
Nia, I received gifts from Heather!! Thank you very much!!))
I just have to participate, it is so much fun here.
Count me in Nia!
I hope the last parcels will arrive soon!
Uh i still don't have a blog but have been in earlier exchanges...does this means i can't participate anymore?
I sooo hope that is not the case...let me know Nia.
Aww I sent you a mail ease count me in Halloween exchange..
And the Christmas one too..lol
For the Halloween I think open theme will be perfect.
Hugs x
Deb doing great sweetie, thanks :) I wish I had more hours in my day too ;) hehehe
Noni it's true Noni, some countries have really bad service.. we need to wait =/
Great to know! thanks :)
Lentochka Great!!! :D
Angel No sweetie!!! We know you already, you’ve been on our previous exchange an there was no problem. We know we can trust you
But lately we had too many people missing, fails on our exchanges, it’s sad =( I wish I could let everyone in!! that’s how I started doing things here.. but since we had trouble with people we don’t know anything about.. I need to be a little more restrict on things, you understand? =/
Everyone can still join the group, even without a blog. They can post here, share their works, maybe with time we get to know them a little more. But if someone asks directly to be on our exchanges and we don’t know anything about them… I’m afraid to take the risk and once again leave someone without a parcel =/
Cucki I will read everything today sweetie, I just can't update the group daily :p hehehe but I will see it and take notes ;)
whatever you decide for this next exchange of course I'm in =D
free or not I'm always so happy to be part of the fun
can't wait to see the last pieces for the summer exchange...I hope the last parcels will arrive safe soon
My piece has not been shown here :-/
I have to post it !
Angel.....create a blog sweetie =D
hahahaha, you have always such cute things to show us
big hugs to you all my sweet friends
Nia, thank you.....oh how i love these exchanges:-)
I certainly understand your point of view.
You are doing such a good job organizing the exchanges!!
Valma you are really a very bad girl...haha...:-)
I guess you dont stop teling me that untill i have
a blog?!?:-)
I'm right next to Valérie!!! You should start your blog :D heheh
Believe me, it's really fun and you'll see you get to contact many more friends ;) You'll enjoy it for sure!
And I'll love to follow your bubble space :D
Good to know that when i have a blog at least i have two followers;-)
at least =)
Angel, I will follow your blog too, you do lovely stitching too! Nia, your work ethic and great order on this blog is wonderful!! :) Anne xxx
Count me in too...angel I will follow your blog too :)
Hi Nia! My name is Maria Ysabel Vargas and I live in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.. I love cross stitch and I love to participate in exchanges.. I am learning hardanger too.. I hope we can share good times and I could participate in your activities.. For exchanges I have a delivery addreess in United States for more convenience..
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