Just to clarify, all groups members can stitch any design they want, at any time. SAL is a group activity, you can join or not, it's up to each one of you. Of course, the more stitchers who join, the more fun we will have :) but each stitcher decides if they have the time and willing to do it.
The goal is to stitch the same design and post photos to show our progress along the year. For almost everyone, this is a motivation starter, watching others progress on their projects, motivates to stitch more on their own as well :) A great way to keep stitching and not give up on big projects!
So, after this definition, we would think it's best to pick bigger designs to stitch along the year, than smaller things that we can easily make at any time, don't you agree? I think we should pick other things besides Sports&Hobbies, everyone can easily stitch one of those charts in one weekend. And, with so many options on that series, we wouldn't be stitching the same thing at the same time.. not really the goal for a SAL, right?
I'm taking a risk with bigger designs and I hope you will all be pleased and join to stitch :D
Did you notice the title? Plural :) After reading all your comments and thinking a lot about this.. let me tell you, it's not easy to be the one to decide something for the whole group :p So, I thought, we could open more than one SAL and each person will join the one they like the most! Is that good?
Not too many options, otherwise, there will be 3 persons doing one design, another 3 on other, and so on.. I think it's more fun to keep 2 big groups.
Let's keep it simple: 2 options :) Is it good for everyone???
For 2014, SAL #5 and #6 :)
#5 Spring Bouquet
Stitchers: Lija, Julianne, Preeti, Noni, Heather, Ana Ferreira, Debbie Vermeulen, Judith
Pattern from Cross Stitch Crazy issue 174
#6 Sunday Snooze
Stitchers: Amber, Noni, Angel, Debbie Vermeulen, Judith
Pattern from Cross Stitch Crazy issue 180
Updated 2014.01.19
#7 Bags of Fun
Stitchers: Amber, Anne Fraser, Noni, Angel, Ana Ferreira, Debbie Vermeulen, Laura, Judith, Zurainny
Pattern from Cross Stitch Crazy issue 185
You can join one or all, it's up to you! The deadline would be the end of the year, each person can stitch at their own pace and post a progress photo during the first week of each month (from Februrary to December).
Does this work for everyone? :)
Would you like to stitch #5? #6? #7? All?