Easter Exchange
Joey still waiting for her parcel.. Lentochka, please, track your package, let us know where it is!
Blogversary Exchange
Coming soon!!
I've updated our list with all the friends who have sent pixies parcels for our exchanges - except for Gislene and Annette, packages are still travelling ;)
I think I just need to complete who sent to Eleana...
If you have ever been a Pixie on our group, please, check our list and let me know if your name is missing, ok? I'd like to keep a record of everyone :) Thank you!!
SAL #4
Is everyone busy stitching?? :D I sure am!!! Trying to catch up, Marcinha is to ahead from all of us!! hahahah :D
I'd like to ask everyone to make an update post next week, is that ok? During the first week of June, post a photo from your work, no matter how much you've done. There's no month goal, nothing like that, it's just to see how everyone's doing. And I hope those who have more progress will motivate others to catch up too ;) That's the beauty on SALs :D heheheh
New Author
New friend on our blog, please, welcome Maria from Russia :)