One of my goals for this year, as an admin on the blog, is to post a weekly update :) Welcome new authors, post about any news, updates about our activities, etc..
So, when a new week starts, you can come here and see what's up :D
Wrapping 2011's activities:
Christmas card exchange
Two cards still travelling to their destinations, Eleana and Svetlana, coincidently both partners so I can imagine there was some issue with the mail between their countries =/ I hope both will get their cards soon!!
We had two but both are still open, a few stitchers are behind...
Are you stitching yet? Have you given up on the projects? Let us know if you'll finish or if you have abandoned the task, ok?
Here we don't give or take anything, it's just about stitching and having fun! So, no punishments for anyone, no one will have to sit on the corner of the room ;) heheheh But it would be great to have everyone done and the list completed :D
#1 | #2 |
 |  |
. Dinny ALL DONE!
. Joanita ALL DONE!
. Alda ALL DONE!
. Svetlana 2nd done!
. Noni 2nd done!
. Rafa 2nd done!
. Paty 2nd started
. Astrid 1st done!
. Rosário 1st started
. Susana 1st/2nd started
. Marta
. Luciana |
. Mary Joan ALL DONE!
. Cucki ALL DONE!
. Valma ALL DONE!
. Olli ALL DONE!
. Becky ALL DONE!
. Jolanda ALL DONE!
. Mónica ALL DONE!
. Francesca ALL DONE!
. Raquel ALL DONE!
. Eleana ALL DONE!
. Jane Marcia ALL DONE!
. Susana 1st done!
. Noni 1st done!
. Annette 1st done!
. Rita 1st done!
. Joanita ..stitching..
. Luciana ..stitching..
. Isabella ..stitching..
. Sari ..stitching..
. Xeihua
. Alda
. Ilka
. Jutta |
New author!!
Lorraine, from USA, welcome to our group!! :D